Improving the Quality of Dispensary Care of Premature Infants in Regional Health Corp. (Krajská zdravotní, a.s.)

Most hospital

Regional seminar

  • 10th Pediatric Day in Most, 2. 12. 2015

Lectures for secondary schools

  • Grammar school Most (Podkrušnohorské gymnázium Most), 29. 4. 2015
  • Business Academy and Secondary school of Agriculture and Ecology in Žatec (Obchodní akademie Žatec a SŠ zemědělská a ekologická v Žatci), 13. 5. 2015
  • Business Academy Žatec (Obchodní akademie Žatec), 27. 10. 2015
  • Secondary school of Agriculture and Ecology in Žatec (SŠ zemědělská a ekologická v Žatci), 27. 10. 2015
  • Grammar school Žatec (Gymnázium Žatec), 27. 10. 2015
  • T. G. Masaryk Grammar school Litvínov (Gymnázium T.G.Masaryka, Litvínov), 6. 11. 2015
  • Economic, social and medical College and Nursing School Most (VOŠ ekonomická, sociální a zdravotnická a SŠ zdravotnická škola Most), 11. 11. 2015
  • Grammar School Most (Gymnázium Most), 19. 11. 2015
  • Secondary School of Diplomacy and Public Administration Most (SŠ diplomacie a veřejné správy Most), 15. 4. 2016
  • Secondary School of Diplomacy and Public Administration Most .(SŠ diplomacie a veřejné správy Most), 6. 5. 2016
  • Secondary School of Diplomacy and Public Administration Most (SŠ diplomacie a veřejné správy Most), 10. 6. 2016

Seminars for general practitioners for children and adolescents

  • Care for premature babies after their release, 9. 12. 2015
  • Care for low birth weight infants, 20. 4. 2016

Seminars and workshops for doctors

  • Eye defects of premature babies, 12. 11. 2015
  • Chronic intensive care for outpatients, 9. 12. 2015
  • Polio – neurological perspective, 1. 6. 2016
  • Care for patients with bronchopulmonary dysplasia, 8. 6. 2016
  • Growth disorders, 15. 6. 2016
  • Problems of late preterm infants, 23. 6. 2016
  • Rehabilitation techniques (polio + respiratory physiotherapy), 13. 7. 2016

Seminars and workshops for nurses and other medical staff

  • Basal stimulation, 22. 10. 2015
  • Coordination of early care, 22. 10. 2015
  • Social security, 11. 11. 2015
  • Inhaler techniques, 12. 11. 2015
  • Treatment of patients with percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy, 12. 11. 2015
  • Rehabilitation techniques - Vojta method therapy, 17. 12. 2015